Breather Resist
Louisville, KY [2002-2005]
Steven Sindoni - Vocals
Evan Patterson - Guitar
Nick Thieneman - Bass
Geoff Paton - Drums
The Story
Made up of current Black Cross and one time National Acrobat member Evan Patterson on guitar, along with bassist Nick Thieneman, drummer Geoff Paton and vocalist Steve Sindoni, Breather Resist have been busy since their 2002 inception. Releasing an armful of disks with labels as diverse as Initial and Deathwish before signing on to the Jade Tree roster. An absolute force to reckon with live, taking their sonic cues from New Jersey's ever-visceral Deadguy and mid-western nihilists Jesus Lizard, Breather Resist have set out to remold all the stagnant preconceptions of heavy music. Vicious, progressive, and thoroughly unpredictable, duck and cover as Breather Resist are simply too volatile to ignore any longer.