Micah p. Hinson

Abilene, TX [2003-Present]
Micah P. Hinson - Vocals, Guitar, Miniature Guitar, Casio Keyboard, Xylophone, Upright Piano, Trap Set.
The Story
Being a restless teenage skater with no direction in life can weigh heavily on the soul. Getting through it in the relative isolation of Abilene, Texas, is no easy accomplishment. This is where songwriter Micah P. Hinson found himself not long ago. Feeling stranded on the sidelines of one of life's bleak, dusty byways, Hinson turned to music, self recording earnest if not immaculate four-track demos of his compositions. His craft, now lauded by everyone from Mojo, Rockpile, Time Out and NME, may well have never left Abilene. When Hinson nonchalantly passed on one of his demos to some friends in the Earlies, they were shocked to find this unassuming 18-year-old had wrought such weathered poetry. Their praise was only the beginning. A mix of ethereal gloom and dusty folk places his alt-country musings squarely on par with Bright Eyes, Lambchop, the Sadies or Wilco. A routine addition to countless "Best Of" lists, Hinson's debut, Micah P. Hinson and the Gospel of Progress, won him national acclaim in 2004. The following year, his early recordings were given a proper release under the title The Baby and the Satellite. Tours followed with the young artist opening for kindred spirits like Will Oldham, Calexico and Iron & Wine. These days, Hinson's situation is anything but obscure, even when he is back in Abilene.